Board Certified Hypnotherapist

Jan.13 - Genesis 37 -39

Like a good novel, the stories we're reading now are filled with unbelievable human drama - that of mystery, intrigue, danger, infidelity, hatrid, jealousy...and all the other stuff that plays out in life! If there's ever a time to jump in and start reading the's now!

During these 3 chapters, it's interesting to note the dynamics of fathering. You'll see the repercussions of what it means to be a good father, as well as the horrible repercussions of being a "bad" father. There's no better teacher on fathering skills than the Bible! And, there's no better example of a GREAT FATHER than our Heavely Father! By the way, a great resource to help you with your fathering skills is my dear friend Carey Casey and the team at ! I've listed them in my "GREAT SITES" section.

Power Points:

A father's love creates the "no place like home" feeling! As we begin Genesis 37:1, I find it interesting to note that Jacob is compelled to "settle...where his father lived." Isaac could have been a foolish father and harbored a deep resentment for Jacob when he deceived him and his brother Esau over "the birthright" and "the blessing." But, like a loving father, he quickly forgives his son, urges his son to marry the right woman, and sends him out with a rich blessing. Isaac's love and forgiveness ultimately brought Jacob home! How many fathers do you know that harbor continuing resentment for something their children did years ago? What that father needs to GROW UP! A good father leads by example! A good father follows the advice of Jesus and "always forgives." A good father, by his own example of how he deals with hurt and deception, subliminally and profoundly teaches his own children how to handle the situation when it happens to them...and it will!

A father's mistake - partiality! Jacob makes the mistake of showing partiality to his son Joseph, and his other sons see it! This partiality led to the disintegration of this family unit, which ultimately led to the desire for murder.
- Giving Joseph "special attention" through the gift of a robe of many colors, which the others didn't get, provided an opportunity for hatrid to brew among the brothers! I can't tell you how many times my own children thought I was giving more attention to the others, or that I loved one more than the others. I always made every attempt to assure them that what they were perceiving wasn't true (for perception is reality to the other person). If you hear your children saying something like this, ask them - "Why do you feel this way?" "What did I do or what am I doing that makes you feel this way?" While they might make a lame excuse as to why they feel you love or like the others more, you still need to address the perception. For example, ask them, "How would you like me to handle this or that?" "What do I do that makes you feel special?" And then work on it. Don't blow it off! Work on it!

A father needs to be sensitive to his children's feelings! In verse 4, it becomes obvious that Joseph is "hated" by his brothers and that he his continuously "mocked" by them. Jacob should have dealt with this! Jealousy will destroy a family!
- Not only is Joseph being mocked, ridiculed, put-down, and belittled, but he's probably developing a low self image of himself. It explains why he never complained to God or others about his being sold into slavery or put in a dungeon! Often times, people of low self esteem see their bad environment or bad circumstances as a just action against them. They feel they don't deserve good things. Isn't that sad! But, that's what ridicule can do to ANYONE! It takes an otherwise brilliant, spiritual, and talented person like Joseph (which we'll see later), and forms a mind-set that allows them to be ok with mediocrity or even poverty!

A father's lack of inaction and leadership leads to a horrible act! Because Jacob failed at dealing with his sons hatrid toward Joseph, the dreams God gave Joseph only fueled the fire of jealousy to a greater level of intensity! His brothers finally:
- vs.8 - "hated him all the more"
- vs.11 - "were jealous of him"
- vs.20 - "desire to kill him"
If you're the father of children who are having some obvious issues with another child, do what you can to intervene. Don't just inactively resolve to "let them sort it out."

Unresolved issues lead to doing things you'll later regret! Joseph's brothers, steaming with envy and hatrid, want to kill him as he approaches them with his robe of many colors. After they blow off some steam, they decide to sell him to their Ishmaelite cousins who are planning to do some trading in Egypt! This violent act haunts them later! In Genesis 42:21, they found themselves in a desperate situation and cried out, "This has all happened because of what we did to Joseph long ago. We saw his terror and anguish and heard his pleadings, but we wouldn't listen. That's why this has come upon us!

Chapter 36 speaks of Judah's poor fathering skills too!
- His son, Er, is so wicked - God kills him!
- His son, Onan, lacks the integrity to honor his dead brother by giving Tamar a child!
- He lies to his own daughter-in-law!
- Judah commits fornication!

Father's should SET THE STANDARD! How are you doing? Visit for more information on how to be a "champion" father!

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Quotes To Live By!

The greatness of a man is not measured by his position, power, plaudits, or pleasures, but by what it takes to discourage him. - Dr. Jerry Falwell

A truly GREAT man doesn't discourage easily. He understands the risks in life. And if he fails, he fails FORWARD! - Dr. John Maxwell

"I will speak the ill of no man, but all the good of everyone." - Benjamin Franklin

Life is about living out your passions and figuring out how to get paid to do it. - Glenn Beck

You can give without loving, but you can't love without giving! - Anonymous though you'll NEVER get another chance! - Anonymous