Board Certified Hypnotherapist

Jan.14 - Genesis 40 - 42

The remarkable, made-for-movie story of Joseph starts to unfold in these chapters! Here's the background of what's happened so far:
- Joseph is the labeled the "favorite son" of Jacob.
- His 11 brothers hate him for this!
- Joseph is sold into slavery to a caravaning group of Ishmaelite traders going to Egypt.
- He's purchased as a slave by Potiphar, captain of Pharaoh's guard.
- He's viciously and wrongfully accused of raping Potiphar's wife, and is sent to prison!

Think about it! Here's a young teenage boy who's having the time of his life being spoiled by a loving father, when all of a sudden great tragedy strikes! His brothers sell him to some traders heading for Egypt. What would you have done, and how would you feel if you were rejected and sold away from your family? Joseph could have sought reasons to escape, but he didn't. He made the best of a horrible situation. And, God blessed him because of it! Think about may be in a situation that's uncomfortable, unjust, not fit for you, or just plain are you reacting? Are you trusting God and making the best of your situation? Joseph didn't complain, but rather made him successful in EVERYTHING he did. Are you complaining about your situation? It won't do you any good!! Everyone hates complainers. And, everyone loves a person who rises above their situation and makes the best of it!

Your situation or position, as bad as it may seem, may be the beginning of an incredible miracle! So often times we never see it! God is at work, but because we don't like it we immediately blame God. We ask, "God...don't you love me? Where are you? "Why are you so mean and letting this happen to me?" Are you blaming God for anything in your life that doesn't seem fair or right? If anyone could was Joseph. He was completely innocent and life was nearly unbearable with no foreseeable way out! Fortunately, you and I can read a few chapters ahead and see that God's hand was marvelously and lovingly involved in everything Joseph did, and that he had a phenominal outcome! Be careful! God may be shaping you through your trial or affliction. Though you and I don't have the privilege of looking a few chapters ahead in our life, we need to trust God and believe that He is at work! Remember what the apostle Paul said in Romans 8:28, "And we know that God causes EVERYTHING to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them."

God's timing is usually not our timing! In Genesis 40 - 41, Joseph interprets the incredible dreams of Pharaoh's cupbearer and chief baker. In return, he begs Pharaoh's cupbearer (who lives) to tell Pharaoh about his innocence and horrible injustice! But God does something here! God, in His sovereign will and perfect timing, allows Pharaoh's cupbearer to forget about Joseph. It takes 2 long years to slowly pass by before he remembers, but it's only because Pharaoh has a disturbing dream. Pharoah's cupbearer suggests Joseph for the job of interpretting the dream. In God's eyes, things weren't ripe yet. Jospeh wasn't mature enough for the job he was about to do. The drought situation wasn't close enough for Joseph to come on the scene. And, there's probably many other things that God in His wisdom saw...therefore He delays the deliverance of Joseph for two more years! Here's what I'm learning even now in my life, when God is silent, there's a good reason! I don't like it...who does? But, the Bible is replete with examples of how God works behind the scene in men's lives! And, He's working in yours right now...even though you don't think so!

When a golden opportunity arises, don't fail to give God the glory! Joseph is given the one and only chance of deliverance - the chance of meeting Pharaoh face-to-face. But notice what Joseph doesn't do:
- He doesn't jump right in on his own agenda, he genuinely seeks to help the one who can free him!
- When Pharaoh admires his dream interpretation skills, he quickly denounces his greatness and gives all the glory to God!
- Joseph didn't become fearful in front of Pharaoh, but told him the truth!
Notice also what Joseph did do:
- He denied glory for himself and gave it all to his God. Pharaoh had many gods. But, now Joseph was telling the story of his God - God Almighty!
- He not only tells Pharaoh of Egypt's impending problem, but also provids a detailed solution!
As a pastor, I quickly got tired of people who came into my office to tell me of all the problems we have! But, I loved the people who not only identified the problem, but also identified a workable solution! I loved those people! Here's why:
- The came across as a team player!
- They showed leadership skills! Anyone can complain, but few can solve problems!
- They were persons you could trust because they genuinely wanted to help!

Joseph is a type or foreshadowing picture of Jesus Christ!
- He was sold for pieces of silver! Just like what Judas did with the High Priest.
-He was acquainted with grief and sorrow! Just what Isaiah said about Jesus!
- He was condemned to die by his brothers! Israel called out for Jesus' crucifixion.
- Became a savior to the known world. Jesus is the savior of the world!
- Exalted to Pharaoh's right hand. Jesus is now at the Father's right hand!
- Responsible for feeding the hungry. Jesus is the bread of life that feeds us!
- Was eventually reunited with his father. Jesus is now reunited with His Father!

From the story of Joseph we learn a few things:
- When God seems silent, know that He's really at work!
- Bad things happen to Godly people!
- Patience pays off down the road!
- God has a definite plan for your life...even thought it doesn't make sense!
- God will bring you to your destiny in ways you may never dream of!

May God give you His patience as you continue to faithfully follow Him...even when things may not make much sense!

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Quotes To Live By!

The greatness of a man is not measured by his position, power, plaudits, or pleasures, but by what it takes to discourage him. - Dr. Jerry Falwell

A truly GREAT man doesn't discourage easily. He understands the risks in life. And if he fails, he fails FORWARD! - Dr. John Maxwell

"I will speak the ill of no man, but all the good of everyone." - Benjamin Franklin

Life is about living out your passions and figuring out how to get paid to do it. - Glenn Beck

You can give without loving, but you can't love without giving! - Anonymous though you'll NEVER get another chance! - Anonymous