Board Certified Hypnotherapist

Jan.12 - Genesis 34 - 36

The stories we're reading in Genesis now are starting to get fascinating! We're beginning to see God's nature and character as He deals with man, his sin, and his future purposes!

Here's some Power Points:

Fear is Jacob's worse enemy! He ran away from home in a desperate attempt to save his life from Esau's wrath when he deceived him twice - once over his birthright and secondly over Isaac's blessing! The ugly scene of rape and greed begins the story within Genesis 34! A local guy named Shechem was able to schmooz one of Jacob's daughters (Dinah) into his arms only to later rape her. Obviously, once this was known to Jacob and his sons, they were livid and infuriated! Here's the tragedy...his sons did not have the spiritual or emotional maturity to control their anger! It got completely out of control! This incensed anger took them to the point of premeditated murder! After working out a deceptive "deal" with Shechem and the men of that territory (which, by the way, was also being conjured up by Shechem and his local group) - the sons of Jacob makes preparations to kill them! Once they were circumcised this local group became a very vulnerable target for killing. Simeon and Levi, the sons of Leah, run to town and kill all the men. In the process, they also take captive all the women, children, and wealth for spoil. Once Jacob hears of what has happened, he realizes he's a dead man! He feels compelled to run for his life again! While Jacob contemplates his despair, God intervenes and insructs him to run to Bethel, the one place on earth where Jacob felt God's presence and a sense of peace. Remember, this is the first place he met God after deceiving Esau and running for his life! Now, he's running to Bethel to meet God again in an attempt to avoid death once more! Do you have a Bethel in your life? Do you have a place where you can run and get alone with God and find the peace that only an Almighty God can provide? Think of it, Bethel, is the one place where Jacob knows where God is - that's why he called it Beth-El which means "house of God." We're getting a pattern here! Jacob runs to God when it matters most! How often we do that too. We usually go about our lives not really ever giving God much thought or attention. But, the moment disaster strikes, we run to Him! It's almost like He's nothing more than a protector. God is more than that! He's our Father! We must have a relationship with Him everyday. We must be willing to RUN for our lives to Him everyday! Who is God to you?

Only God can cast out all fear! As Jacob wallows in the state of confusion and fear, God offers instruction to him, "Now move on to Bethel and settle there!" In other words, God says to him, "Come to me, and just abide with me for a while!" Remember, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and a sound mind." Fear has a way of creating an unsound mind - usually confusion! The answer is to run to God, meditate on Scripture, pray to Him, and abide in His loving care! As Jesus said, "There is nothing impossible with God!"

At Bethel, God changes Jacob's name to "Israel" and reminds Him of His promise! Bethel was that one place on earth where Jacob knew he could meet and communicate with God. While at Bethel, God told him his name will be changed to Israel meaning "victory with God." What a boost to a broken, fearful spirit! And, God reminded Jacob of His promise to his father and grandfather:
- You'll become a great nation!
- You'll become many nations!
- Kings will come from you!
- I will eventually give this land to you and your descendants!
What encouragement Jacob received at Bethel. If I were him, I don't think I'd ever leave that place! Where is your Bethel? Do you have a place where you can meet and communicate with God? Is there some place where you can get alone with God where He can calm your fears and give you a message of encouragement?

Chapter 36 provides a detail of Esau's family descendants. Reading this chapter may seem to be a boring part of Scripture, but in reality it gives us an interesting and insightful detail as to how the nations developed at that time. Plus, you see the beginnings of the Amalekites who eventually made an attempt to destroy Israel many times some 600 years later, especially when they first crossed the Red Sea after fleeing from the Egyptians. It's sad to see cousins fighting cousins. After 600 years, I guess family ties don't matter much.

While there is still so much to say, I hope this tidbit is an encouragement to you! Ask God to give you a "Bethel" - a place where you can get alone with Him and experience His presence and His peace. Jesus recommended a closet to pray - in other words, a private place where you can be still and hear the calming voice of God who desires so longingly to speak to you! God bless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was good Randy, It is amzing how often we chose to do all things on our own. I realize I have to be more dependent on God. Life we be much less fearful. I love my God and King. It was also a pleasure to meet you on Saturday at my In-Laws wedding. God Bless you. I look forward to following your blog.
Reverand Raymond Heermann

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The greatness of a man is not measured by his position, power, plaudits, or pleasures, but by what it takes to discourage him. - Dr. Jerry Falwell

A truly GREAT man doesn't discourage easily. He understands the risks in life. And if he fails, he fails FORWARD! - Dr. John Maxwell

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Life is about living out your passions and figuring out how to get paid to do it. - Glenn Beck

You can give without loving, but you can't love without giving! - Anonymous though you'll NEVER get another chance! - Anonymous