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The stories we read and the lessons we learn makes, in my opinion, this part of the book of Matthew one of the most critical moments in Jesus’ ministry. Up until now, we see Jesus spending a great deal of time ministering to hungry crowds, healing everyone who comes to Him, confronting the hostile religious leaders of His day, and teaching His twelve disciples lessons they’ll need to learn before He leaves them.
It’s been said that you can think of the book of Matthew as a mountain of action rising to a peak within chapter 16 where Peter, in a dramatic confession, shouts out that he believes unequivocally that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, who the Israelites have been waiting on for thousands of years.
Up until point, Jesus has been seeking to prove His claim that He is, in fact, the Son of God. Through His mighty words, His power to heal every kind of sickness and disease, His power over the powerful forces of nature, His power of Satan and demonic spirits, His incredible knowledge of scripture and the character of Almighty God, and the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy about Him, He has been proving who He really is.
In chapter 16, Jesus gives His disciples the ultimate test by asking in 16:13, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is? The disciples sounded off one by one saying He was “that Elijah to come” or possibly Jeremiah or one of the prophets of old. Then Jesus cut to the heart of the matter and asked them point blank, “Who do you say that I am?” With no public opinion to hide behind, the disciples had to make an intelligent, personal decision about Him. Under the influence of the Holy Spirit, it was Peter who shouted out, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.”
By this time, after reading all that you’ve read so far about Jesus, what would your answer have been?
However, while Peter got it right, they still had a lot to learn!
As we begin chapter 16, we immediately see the frustration of Jesus. He was tired of the religious leaders who didn’t truly understand the scriptures they’d been teaching for years. He was frustrated that His own disciples when during a lesson they misinterpreted His teaching and was concerned that they hadn’t brought enough food with them. Jesus, with great weariness, reminds them in Matthew 16: 8-11 - “Why are you worried about having no food? Won’t you ever understand? Don’t you remember the five thousand I fed with five loaves, and the baskets of food that were left over? Don’t you remember the four thousand I fed with seven loaves, with baskets of food left over?”
This reminds me of us, as believers, today!
How many times do we have to see Jesus do mighty things in our lives, answer prayers, solve problems, and still when we encounter trials in life we worry and complain as though Jesus doesn’t care or can’t handle our menial problems!
Listen folks, He is MORE THAN ABLE!!!
As we finish chapter 16, we see Jesus informing His disciples again about His soon coming death and resurrection after three days. Unfortunately, this message once again goes over the head of His disciples. They don’t remember these subtle messages until after Jesus’ death and resurrection.
How many times does Jesus have to teach us things before we get it? We’re no different that His disciples – slow to learn, lazy in listening, and weak in spiritual understanding.
Many Christians have wondered what Jesus meant in 16:28 where He says, “And I assure you that some of you standing here right now will not die before you see me, the Son of Man, coming in my Kingdom.” We know that Jesus’ actual Kingdom reign won’t be until He comes back to earth during His 2nd Coming and rules for a thousand years, but this is NOT what He meant. He is referring to the events we read about in 17:1-9 when God surrounded Jesus, Peter, James, and John with His glorious presence along with the presence of Moses and Elijah, and then announced “This is my beloved Son, and I am fully pleased with Him. Listen to Him.” It was this moment Jesus was referring to! These disciples were given the rare opportunity to see Jesus in His glory and be confirmed by the Father!
The Healing That Didn’t Happen…Lessons We Can Learn!
In 17:14-21, a man came to Jesus’ disciples asking that his son be healed of demonic possession, but they couldn’t heal him. Confounded by it all, they bring the man to Jesus. Jesus is immediately angered by the disciples (and the people’s) lack of faith! However, it was not only that the disciples lacked the faith to cast out the demon out of the man’s son, but in Mark 9:29 Jesus also tells them that this sort of powerful set of demons who possessed this man’s son also required “prayer and fasting”. I find that so profound!
If we want to allow the power of God to flow through us, not only must we have the faith (even as small as a mustard seed) to believe God will heal, but we need to be living a life that is bathed in prayer and fasting!
Do you have a situation that seems hopeless? Begin to pray for healing of the situation, trust God to be BIGGER than your problem, and live your life bathed in prayer and fasting! Fasting should be a part of our lives on a consistent basis. Especially when we’re going up against powerful, dark, spiritual forces.
In chapter 18, we learn several key things:
1. The greatest individual in God’s eyes is one who is humble! (18:1-5)
2. How terrible it will be in the judgment day for those who lead others AWAY from Christ! (18:6-9)
3. We apparently have guardian angels or at least angels assigned to each of us believers! (18:10)
4. God loves ALL men and doesn’t want anyone to perish in hell. (18:12-14)
5. Lessons on how to confront and deal with problematic people within the church. (18:15-18)
6. The power of praying together as believers – Jesus is in the midst of us! (18:19-20)
7. The importance of being merciful to others and forgiving! We learn that if we can’t forgive others, then neither will our Heavenly Father forgive us! Tit for tat. (18:21-35)
What was the one thing that really meant something to you?
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