There are many incredible spiritual lessons from our Lord throughout the chapters of Matthew 13 to 15. In my opinion, arguably one of the most interesting things you'll notice is that while Jesus was a highly effective communicator and drew large crowds to hear Him teach, He spoke very cryptically.
Most speakers today are taught to teach and train others at a 6th grade reading level. However, Jesus spoke many of His messages in parables - which are simple stories used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson. In fact, His disciples came to Him with great curiosity and asked Him, "Why do you always tell stories when you talk to the people?"
Within these three chapters, there are actually 7 parables He shares with His audience. While many of the people who were drawn to hear Him speak literally could not understand the underlying spiritual meaning of His messages (unless the Holy Spirit revealed them unto them), He had a reason for speaking in parables. Jesus tells us "why" He spoke so cryptically. He explains to His disciples in Matthew 13:11-13 that He was teaching this way so that those who really want to understand His message - will! And for those who appear religious and take His message with very little interest - they couldn't!
In fact, Matthew goes on to say in 13:14, "In fact, He never spoke to them without using such parables."
The spiritual food Jesus gives us in His Word is often symbolic, so that those who are truly seeking His truth will find it, but will be withheld from those who don't. Many saw it as a puzzle, and it was.
It was also a fulfillment of the prophet Isaiah who said, "When you hear what I say, you will not understand. When you see what I do, you will not comprehend. For the hearts of these people are hardened, and their ears cannot hear, and they have closed their eyes - so their eyes cannot see, and their ears cannot hear, and their hearts cannot understand, and they cannot turn to me and let me heal them.’
Key Point: Only to those who really desire and thirst for God's Truth will find it! It takes a willing and open heart coupled with God's Holy Spirit to open up our spiritual eyes and ears so that we might truly understand the powerful truth behind His words! Jesus wants us to seek His truth - not stumble over it lazily. It is for those who diligently seek Him!
As I said before, there are actually 7 parables within our bible study today. And they each provide powerful insights into key spiritual truths. Let's take a brief look at these parables:
A. Parable of the Sower (13:1-23) - This is a great message detailing 4 types of individuals within the world today and their receptivity of God's truth. The first is the hard soil - representing the person who hears God's Word but doesn't allow it to take hold in their lives, so it's easily discarded. The second person represents the rocky soil who enjoys hearing God's Word, but is never serious enough to let it take root in their life. The third is the person who represents the thorny soil who enjoys hearing God's Word, but doesn't allow the Word of God to grow in them and succumbs to the pressures of this world. The fourth person is the one who enjoys God's Word, allows it to change their life, and produces spiritual fruit to the glory of God!
B. Parable of the Weeds (13:24-30) - Jesus gives us insight into how things will happen at the end of the age where He will send His angels during His 2nd Coming to harvest all those who do evil and reject Christ (the weeds) and will cast them into Hell. This will set the stage for His Millennial Reign whereby ALL men are believers in Christ and will follow His rule on Earth.
C. Parable of the Mustard Seed (13:31-32) - When Jesus shares about the "Kingdom of Heaven", He is referring to the entire world of men in a spiritual sense. In this parable, He explains how the gospel and Christianity is as small as a mustard seed but will one day grow into a large tree branching throughout the world.
D. Parable of the Yeast (13:33) - This parable is much like the "Mustard Seed" parable in that just as leaven has a way of starting off extremely small it will eventually permeate the entire loaf. So it is with the Kingdom of Heaven. It's starts off small, but will eventually spread to the world!
E. Parable of the Hidden Treasure (13:44) - Jesus is telling His audience that the good news He's preaching today is like hidden treasure in a field, and if they only knew how precious it was they would give up everything to get it!
F. Parable of the Pearl (13:45-46) - This is the same truth as the Hidden Treasure parable. Jesus simply repeats His message, but gives it a different spin.
G. Parable of the Net (13:47-51) - Again, Jesus is speaking of what will happen at the end of the age. His mighty angels will separate the unbelievers from the believers and will throw the unbelievers into Hell. Jesus will begin His 1,000 year reign without any sinners. Remember, God's highest and foremost characteristic is His Holiness!
As we study Matthew 14, we read the tragic story of how John the Baptist was beheaded. Although this news is shared with Jesus, He continues on sharing the good news of salvation and healing the sick.
One of the amazing stories of Matthew 14 is the feeding of the 5000 men, plus perhaps another 10,000 women and children. Since men represented their family unit, they were the ones that were usually counted. But the scriptures explicitly tell us that the disciples counted about 5,000 men who were surrounded by their wives and children. So, the idea that the crowd could have easily been about 15,000 is very possible!
Imagine this! Jesus feeds 15,000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. And, Matthew recounts the story that everyone had as much as they could eat! It was buffet style. And yet, there were 12 baskets of food leftover! This was a humanly impossible task! So...what problem do you face today you think Jesus can't solve? He's above any dire situation you could ever encounter!
Another amazing story is Jesus and Peter walking on water within the midst of a violent storm! What storm are facing today? These experienced fishermen who were used to riding rough waves in a storm actually thought they were going to was that bad! Do you feel you're going through a violent storm? Then, you need only to look to Jesus for help!
As Jesus came to them walking on the water, He allowed Peter to come out of the boat and join Him. Peter accomplished the impossible as long as he had his eyes on Jesus. But, the very moment he took his eyes off of Jesus and focused on the raging waves, he began to sink. Fortunately, Jesus was there! He helped Peter back into the boat and calmed the situation!
Stories like this are here in the Bible to give us strength and hope! Our strength and hope is in Jesus Christ. There isn't a problem too big He can't handle! Trust Him today...or sink and swim!
Chapter 15 is no less powerful! Not only does He confound the religious leaders of His day, heal all that had sickness and disease, but also performed another "impossible" feat - feeding another 4,000 men plus women and children.
In these past two chapters, we have ALL we need to convince us that Jesus can help us with every impossible situation.
Is there a situation that you're encountering today where you need supernatural help? Jesus is the answer! Give your life to Him today or simply put your trust in Him as you seek Him in prayer!
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