Board Certified Hypnotherapist

Psalms 52-54

Psalms 52-54 - Click to read passage.

These have got to be the shortest three chapters we'll read. Still, there are things we can learn from this very brief reading.

Chapter 52 sounds a little odd, but scholars say it was a song written by David that addressed and condemned the disgusting actions of Doeg, the Edomite. You'd have to go back to 1 Samuel 21 to read what happened, but let me say this - if you wanted to put together a list of  the “bottom 10” people in the Bible (excluding Satan), arguably Doeg the Edomite would be in that list!  

Though little is divulged in the Bible about him, he was a loyalist to Saul and a traitor to David. In the subsequent chapter, Doeg the Edomite is mentioned only three more times – but his impact is tragic. He divulges the actions of David to the maniacal Saul, proceeds to kill the eighty-five Israeli priests of Nob, and then, without explanation, slaughters the entire city – man, woman, and child. He is the epitome of evil. That's why David attacks him sharply in Psalms 52.

But, here's why I find interesting. 

When you go back to 1 Samuel 21:7, you read something very interesting. You read how Doeg was "detained before the Lord." In other words, God intervened and caused Doeg to be detained so that he would see David and report him to Saul. While this seems very perplexing since as a result of this delay, not only was all the priests and men, women, and children of Nod slain (a horrible act), but David was subsequently hunted down like a dog.

The question I have is, "Why would God allow this?" If I were God (and I'm not), I would have forced Doeg out of there early so as to save hundreds of lives. However, we can't see what God sees, nor do we fully understand the loving purpose of God in the final end of this horrible tragedy.

My point is - God never causes evil, but he allows it to happen. It breaks His heart when it does. He hates evil. But in His infinite purpose, He uses evil people to accomplish something greater and better that we could NOT possibly understand unless God could explain it to us fully. God always acts in love and perfection. Yes, it's hard to understand this as a loving act of God, but it is. Just because we can't fully grasp the full scope of "why" this happened, it doesn't undermine the infinite love and perfect purpose of God.

You may be experiencing the success of evil people around you. But understand, God is seeing everything that's going on! He sees the evil and will one day punish according to the evil of that person. There will be payday some day! But, to understand the mind and heart of God is simple - He loves you and "all things work together for the good for those who love God."

What other things to you see in these chapters?

Psalms 49-51

Psalms 49-51 - Click on passage to read.

In these three chapters, we see some POWERFUL truths!!

1) You Can't Win God Over With Money!

I read an article one day about a guy who paid to have himself buried in a cemetery behind the wheel of his expensive Ferrari. On his gravestone it reads, "Who says you can't take it with you?"

Despite his lame attempt to cheat death in some way, we all know he didn't take it with him. For centuries, the Egyptians (and other cultures) would mummify some of the wealthiest of society and bury them with things they thought they might need in the afterlife. Sadly, when King Tutankhamen was found, none of his essential afterlife joys were used. As King David says,

"Those who are wise must finally die,  just like the foolish and senseless, leaving all their wealth behind. The grave[b] is their eternal home, where they will stay forever."

While we'd all like to be rich, have an excess of money, and be able to live the "dream life," - King David begins with chapter 49 speaking about the futility of riches. For example, he says that a person's riches cannot buy eternal life:

"They trust in their wealth and boast of great riches. Yet they cannot redeem themselves from death  by paying a ransom to God."

People may be able to rely on their money to buy what they want here in this life, however they can't buy the most important things - like hope, eternal life, or even God's favor. God isn't in or impressed by your money. He has no need for it. He's undaunted by it. In fact, He reminds us in Haggai 2:8 - "The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies." God owns everything! He owns it all. Just as He says in the next chapter - Psalms 50 - "for all the world is mine and everything in it." So, it's impossible to use your money to buy favor from God.

David goes a step further and reminds us that even though the rich try to have buildings named after them, they'll eventually be forgotten. It's so true! It happens every day. We travel roads and highways and buildings named after famous and/or rich people, but do we care? No. We never even give it a thought!

I like how David finishes the chapter. He reminds us of how foolish it is to boast in riches. Here's why:

"In this life they consider themselves fortunate and are applauded for their success...People who boast of their wealth don’t understand;  they will die, just like animals."

2) You Can't Win God Over With Your Religious Sacrifices!

In Psalms 50, we see God as being frustrated. He tells the children of Israel that while their sacrificial gifts to Him in the form of sacrificed animals was a good thing (an act of obedience according to Moses' law), He was seeing a HUGE lack in the most important things to His heart. He wanted them to know He was more interested in His people having a heart of gratitude and living a holy life!  

God is letting us all know that even thought we might make physical sacrifices of our time and effort for His glory, the most important thing He wants is our heart! More than our time, our money, and our ministry - He wants us, our heart, an intimate relationship with us and a grateful and joyful heart that produces a life of holiness. 

In fact, He lists some charges against the people of Israel. See if you can relate to any of these:

- You don't show a heart of gratitude!
- You don't keep your promises to God!
- You don't call on Him when you're in trouble allowing Him to save you and receive glory!
- You talk the talk, but you don't walk the walk.
- You have no interest in studying God's Word.
- You don't mind hanging around the wrong crowd.
- You say bad things!
- You lie!
- You slander others!

Sadly, God ;reveals something about Himself we never consider. Often we think God acts immediately when we sin. He doesn't. In fact, look at what He says:

"While you did all this, I remained silent,  and you thought I didn’t care."

Since many of us are under the wrong impression of His long-suffering, when often assume that since God doesn't "spank" us immediately, He must not care. However, the truth is, He's observing it and writing it all down. One day we'll pay for the things we do that goes against His Nature. You may get away with it now, but there will be payday some day!

3) You Can't Win God Over Without True Repentance!

Many scholars have noted Psalms 51 as being the chapter where David cries out to God regarding his adulterous sin with Bathsheba and the calculated murdering of her husband, Uriah. David is in anguish over his sin! In fact, it stole his joy away. There's nothing emotionally more painful in life than deeply hurting the one you love the most  David loved God dearly, but through his sin he knew he had hurt the heart of his God. It brought him into dark depression. 

He also knew God wasn't going to be satisfied by any physical sacrifice he could possibly make. He knew that his heart had to change!  He understood what God wanted most - a heart of true repentance. Listen to what he says:

"You do not desire a sacrifice, or I would offer one. You do not want a burnt offering. The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God."

What unconfessed sins are cluttering up your life? If you're feeling as though God is a million miles away, it may be that YOU'VE walked away from Him - that you've sinned against Him - and that you need to cry out to God like King David requesting forgiveness and saying, "Don't take your joy away - don't take your Holy Spirit away - and give me back a good heart and the joy of knowing you."

If so...get your heart right with God TODAY!!!

Psalms 46-48

Psalms 46-48 - Click to read passage.

FEAR happens to all of us! It can arise within us as the result of so many things that pop up in life. However, fear is not always a bad thing. While it can be debilitating to some, others use it for strength. Even though I've trained over a quarter of million people face-to-face in seminars all across the United States, I still get a little fearful before I speak...even if it's a small group. I've noticed that the little amount of fear I experience causes me to pray harder, rely on God deeper, and allows me to be a little sharper when I speak. I've learned over the years that while fear can be paralyzing at times, it can also be used for tremendous good. What really matters is how you leverage your fear.

King David addresses this very issue. And, I love how he begins Psalms 46. He initiates his song addressing the issue of fear. David wasn't immune to fear. In fact, he feared many things in life. However, he also learned some valuable lessons about fear. That's why he tells us exactly how he deals with fear, and how you should deal with it as well.  Listen to what he says:

"God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea. Let the oceans roar and foam. Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge!"

It's interesting that David speaks of earthquakes and mountains crumbling. I don't know of anyone who hasn't felt fear in the midst of an earthquake or experienced an adrenaline rush when an avalanche takes place and you're in it's path. What's interesting is that David has learned to control his fear. In fact, he's learned to control it by being reminded of Who's actually in control of his life. It's God!

He's so confident in God, that I find it amusing that David dares the oceans to rage against him. As a scuba diver, I've been in the middle of the ocean with 5 foot waves with a storm moving in and I wouldn't wish that on anyone! But, David knows that his great God is ALWAYS ready to be a refuge and strength in times of trouble.

When fear crops up it's ugly head in your life, where is your faith in God?  Do you see God as an ever-ready Helper in times of trouble? Or, are you running to the nearest friend looking for encouragement, paralyzed with fear over a situation? Can you say, "Ok...let trouble come! My trust is in God!"  Obviously, none of us want trouble, and I don't recommend you begging for trouble - be careful what you wish for, you might get it! But, seriously, where does your faith lie? Is it totally in God's ability to resolve the situation, or in your ability? It's something to think about.

Here's a recommendation - maybe what we need to do is exactly what God recommended to David:

"Be still and know that I am God."

If you're wrestling with fear today, go find a quiet place. Talk to God about your fears, your situation. Begin to worship Him for all the good He's brought into your life and how He's helped you in other tough situations. If you'll do this, along with looking into the Scriptures for guidance and encouragement, you might find your fear dissipating into a calm reliance upon an Almighty, Ever-Present, Loving Heavenly Father! Go ahead! Don't wait! If fear is crippling you - you MUST do this!

In the other two chapters of today's reading, David encourages the reader and listener to praise and enjoy God. Why? Because He is worth of our praise! In fact, David tells us "how" to praise Him:

1. Clap your hands in praise!  What do you do after a great performance?  You clap in appreciation. Don't you think God deserves some hand clapping appreciation? I do! So, clap your hands!

2) Shout to God with joyful praise! Yes, David said "Shout." We do it every time our favorite team hits a home-run, scores a touchdown, and makes a goal. We have no problem shouting (and even acting like wild maniacs) at a baseball, football, basketball, soccer, or hockey game - so why shouldn't we just simply SHOUT in joy about our God?

Think of some things you love about God today. Go somewhere and SHOUT those praises to Him. I've done it many times! It feels good.

3) Praise Him with a song!  The Bible tells us in another passage that God "inhabits the praises of His people." He loves praise and feels very "at-home' with praise. In Heaven, the angels, other heavenly beings, and the saints who've already arrived before us are celebrating in praise constantly before Him. David tells one of the ways we can praise Him is through singing. I'm a horrible singer, but I still like to sing before Him. He probably turns my horrible singing voice into a lovely melody before it hits His ears - LOL.  However, God loves it when you sing songs to Him and about Him.

4) Meditate on His unfailing love!  Meditating is simply taking some time out of your day to reflect and really think about or ponder about God and His amazing love. In our fast-paced world, meditating has become a lost art. While it offers many great health benefits, the best way to use it is in becoming still and mindful of God, and reflecting on His goodness and greatness.

Take some time today to meditate. Block everything out, and take about 10 minutes to just meditate on the good things God has done for you this past week or month. You'll feel better after you do! And, most importantly, God will be praised!

Psalms 43-45

Psalms 43-45 - Click to read scripture.

Sadness, oppression, and depression are often challenges we have to face in life. Either Satan will use others to impact us negatively using a co-worker, a manager, a spouse, a child, or we become our own enemy when we allow our thoughts to manipulate our circumstances and environment to bring us down. In David's situation, he had plenty of enemies who literally hated him. Tensions often ran high. In chapter 43, we see David crying out to God with deep grief - feeling "tossed aside" by God. 

Did God really toss David aside? No...but it's how David felt! Have you ever felt like God was a million miles away or that He was in some way angry with you and had tossed you aside?  I've heard the testimony of many Christians who've felt this way. The fact is, God NEVER tosses us aside. Jesus told us that He will never leave us or forsake us. When we feel this way, it's only our emotional perception that allows us to feel or think that way. It's not based in reality. 

However, notice the advice of David:

"Send out your light and your truth; let them guide me. Let them lead me to your holy mountain, to the place where you live."


So, what is David saying in such a poetic way? He's saying that He needs God's Word (His light and truth) to guide him into the place where he can meet God in prayer and find peace. It's amazing to me how often reading God's Word will lift my spirit when I'm feeling oppressed. Way too often, many people see the Bible as just a collection of stories. But, it's so much more than that. It's God's life-changing Word. God had it written by holy men over a 1600 year period for the purpose of breathing life into us. Don't ever discount how powerful and timely God's Word can be. In my own personal life, I can testify that He often leads me to passages that deal with situations I'm currently dealing with. Remember, God knows exactly what we're going through at the time we're going through it. If you're truly seeking His help on a matter, He'll show you in His Word exactly what to do!

In Psalms 44, David challenges God in prayer. He defends himself before the Lord expressing to Him how He has faithfully trusted in Him for a long time. Why? Because, like us, David was confused as to "why" God was not answering his prayer. While his nation (Israel) was crumbling and falling apart and becoming the scorn of nations all around him, King David pleads with God from the depth of a hurting and confused heart.

What I've learned from this passage and many others like it is that it's ok to be honest in your heart with God. Let's be clear here - God knows exactly how we feel.. He knows our thoughts. So, if you're upset, it's okay to express ourselves openly and honestly before the Lord.  My only warning to all of us is that we would be careful not to cross the boundaries and charge God with foolishness or lack of faithfulness. God is never foolish or unfaithful or unloving. We may not understand why God allows the circumstances in our life to continue after months or even years of prayer, but we must NEVER charge God with being foolish or unfaithful or unloving. It reveals to God our lack of faith in Him and Who He really is.

Psalms 45 is a prophetic song glorifying Jesus Christ. You can see this in the following verse:

"Your throne, O God, endures forever and ever. You rule with a scepter of justice. You love justice and hate evil. Therefore God, your God, has anointed you..."

This chapter describes the future glory of Israel and the Lord Jesus Christ during His millennial reign. What a glorious time it will be. It will be literally heaven on earth!

What other insights do you see?

Psalms 40-42

Psalms 40-42 - Click to read scripture.

Wow! There are so many life lessons you can draw from today's scripture's amazing! I'm sure you'll see several things that I've NOT mentioned below, but here are 
a few things that did stand out to me:

1) Our life and how we live it may be the ONLY Bible others may read! 

If that is true, then I have a question for you - "What are your friends and family reading about your life?" Does it reflect the principles of the Bible?

David has an acute knowledge that his life and how he lives it is under intense scrutiny by others who are around him on a daily basis. He loves it when God answers his prayer! It gives him the wonderful privilege and opportunity to show those around him the power of God's presence and love. Notice what he says below:

"Many will see what he has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the Lord."

David realizes his life is the truest testimony to God's power and faithfulness. His hope is that others will look at his life and see God's presence and goodness and ultimately put their trust in Him.

What about you? Can you say your life is a "walking billboard" advertising the greatness and goodness of God? Do you think the way you talk, the way you live, and the way to carry yourself can brings others into a relationship with Christ? If not, you need to work on some things!

2) David's hope for ALL his troubles is found in the Lord!  

It wasn't the doctors or the sound advice of his advisers and friends who David depended on in his first line of concern - but rather the Lord. Listen to what he says:

"Oh, the joys of those who trust the Lordwho have no confidence in the proud or in those who worship idols."

If you're like most people, you probably have a habit of running to OTHERS first? 

Over the years, I've counseled hundreds of people, most of which have spent a lot of time running to friends, their pastor, a counselor, or a doctor for help. These are all good practices, but when I ask them, "Did you seek the Lord first?" Most of them (in honesty) admit they hadn't. Sadly, we run to others before we run to God!

Even Jesus told us in Matthew 6:33 that God is the first person we ought to seek!  He's the Great Physician to heal. He's the Counselor who offers great advice. The next time you have a problem - run to Jesus first. Pray about it. Look into the Word of God for advice. Or Google some scriptures dealing with your particular issue. God may be the only answer you need. Friends, pastors, counselors, and doctors all have good places in our lives, but God should be firs in ALL things. Right?

3. God is far more interested in your obedience than your sacrifice!

Most people get this backwards. They think they're offering great sacrifices to God by - going to church, singing in the choir, teaching a bible class, putting money in the church offering plate, etc.  However, the apostle Paul tells us that all these things are simply an outpouring of our "reasonable service." In other words, God doesn't see these as sacrifices, but rather He sees them as the things we should want to do as a natural by-product of our love for Him. Yet, that's now how most people view it. They think they're sacrificing for God and in some way earning "brownie points" with God by doing these things. Don't get me wrong - these are GREAT things, but not the most important things God is looking for from you. Notice what David candidly says below:

"You take no delight in sacrifices or offerings. Now that you have made me listen, I finally understand you don’t require burnt offerings or sin offerings.
Then I said, “Look, I have come. As is written about me in the Scriptures:
I take joy in doing your will, my God, for your instructions are written on my heart.”

The reality is - God's greatest desire from us is not found so much in going to church, etc, - but rather in following His will. You can sing great songs in big churches around the world, but it's meaningless unless you are living a life that is in accordance with His will. You can preach on TV and become a famous preacher, but it's in vain if your NOT living according to the will of God. That's a hard pill to swallow, but you have to swallow it. God doesn't expect a big ministry from you. He just wants YOU! Only you! 

The question is - "Does He have you?"

4) In life there's hardship, but God is there ALL the time!  

Living for God doesn't automatically bring immunity from life's trials and tribulations. In fact, Jesus never sugar-coated the consequences of living for Him. He said, "In this world you will have tribulations."  However, He also tells us that He has the power to deliver us out of them all. King David realizes this in chapters 41-42. 

First, notice how openly David expresses the challenges and heartbreaks of exactly how he feels about what's going on in his life:

"My heart is breaking as I remember how it used to be..."
"Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad?"
"Now I am deeply discouraged..."
"I hear the tumult of the raging seas as your waves and surging tides sweep over me."
“O God my rock,” I cry, “Why have you forgotten me?
"Why must I wander around in grief oppressed by my enemies?”
"Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad?"

Can you relate to any one of these lines?  Sure you can! I certainly can. David, as much as he loved and obeyed God, wasn't immune to heartbreak and the challenges of life. However, listen to his summary below:

"But each day the Lord pours his unfailing love upon me, and through each night I sing his songs, praying to God who gives me life."

At the end of the day, David doesn't shake his fist at God. He worships Him! What about you? Are you willing to worship God in the midst of your heartbreak?

Psalms 37-39

Psalms 37-39 - Click to read.

Recently, I was speaking with a young woman who had experienced some real challenges in her young life. It was certainly more than what I think anyone at age 31 should have experienced. Three weeks after her second daughter was born she witnessed a near death experience in an accident committed by her husband, Those event eventually led to the tragic heartbreak of divorce, three years in prison due to an emotional outburst and assault on her ex-husband, and the challenges of later reintegrating back into society, getting a decent job, and supporting two beautiful daughters. I spoke with her as she wept. She felt unloved and alone explaining her feeling of how no one really cared for her. Sadly, she was believing something that was NOT reality for her. Pity has a way of making us live in and think according to a BIG LIE.

After further speaking with her, it was discovered that what she was experiencing was not based in reality. The facts were: she had two loving parents and siblings her loved her deeply and were always there for her, she was surrounded by a large loving family, she had a good job that paid the bills, and best of all had two beautiful daughters that brought resounding joy to her life. Even beyond that, she had a God that loved her infinitely and a Heaven to gain one day. There was plenty to rejoice in! However, like so many people, she saw past the many blessings in her life to focus on the few little things that bothered her.

What about you? Are you doing the same thing?

In Psalms 37, David talks about this very subject.  I love what he says in this chapter:

"Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord,  trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun."

This woman was so focused on her few problems that she was totally unable to rejoice in the Lord. She felt cheated out of things - things that were brought on to her as a result of her former husband's actions. What she needed to do was close the door to the past and move forward. I know it's easier said than done - way easier. However, it's true! And, you must begin to lift up your eyes and look on reality and see ALL the good the Lord has given you!

Here''s an exercise for you when you feel down. Begin listing all the things that hurt. Then, list all the good God has given you. You'll soon find the list of blessings much longer than the list of the few things that bother you.

God wants you to trust Him and delight in Him, and know that He has everything under control. In this passage also comes a promise. The promise is - if you'll commit your way to the Lord and simply trust Him during tough times, He will reward you and vindicate your situation.

In Psalms 38 and 39, David discusses the anguish over his sin and brings it before the Lord. He begs God not to be deaf to his prayers. He's seeking forgiveness and feels so badly over the sin he's committed that he fears God will just turn his head away from him and leave him at the mercy of his enemies.

I love how David expresses the raw emotion he feels over his sin:

"For I am about to fall, and my pain is ever with me. I confess my iniquity; I am troubled by my sin. Many have become my enemies without cause those who hate me without reason are numerous. Those who repay my good with evil lodge accusations against me, though I seek only to do what is good. Lord, do not forsake me; do not be far from me, my God. Come quickly to help me, my Lord and my Savior."

Can you relate? When you read on after chapter 39 you'll see David's rejoicing in God's answer to prayer and the forgiveness he experiences from the Lord.

You may feel overwhelmed today by things. But, know this - God understands, He loves you, He's with you, and He's given you A LOT to be thankful for!

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Quotes To Live By!

The greatness of a man is not measured by his position, power, plaudits, or pleasures, but by what it takes to discourage him. - Dr. Jerry Falwell

A truly GREAT man doesn't discourage easily. He understands the risks in life. And if he fails, he fails FORWARD! - Dr. John Maxwell

"I will speak the ill of no man, but all the good of everyone." - Benjamin Franklin

Life is about living out your passions and figuring out how to get paid to do it. - Glenn Beck

You can give without loving, but you can't love without giving! - Anonymous though you'll NEVER get another chance! - Anonymous