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Psalms 43-45

Psalms 43-45 - Click to read scripture.

Sadness, oppression, and depression are often challenges we have to face in life. Either Satan will use others to impact us negatively using a co-worker, a manager, a spouse, a child, or we become our own enemy when we allow our thoughts to manipulate our circumstances and environment to bring us down. In David's situation, he had plenty of enemies who literally hated him. Tensions often ran high. In chapter 43, we see David crying out to God with deep grief - feeling "tossed aside" by God. 

Did God really toss David aside? No...but it's how David felt! Have you ever felt like God was a million miles away or that He was in some way angry with you and had tossed you aside?  I've heard the testimony of many Christians who've felt this way. The fact is, God NEVER tosses us aside. Jesus told us that He will never leave us or forsake us. When we feel this way, it's only our emotional perception that allows us to feel or think that way. It's not based in reality. 

However, notice the advice of David:

"Send out your light and your truth; let them guide me. Let them lead me to your holy mountain, to the place where you live."


So, what is David saying in such a poetic way? He's saying that He needs God's Word (His light and truth) to guide him into the place where he can meet God in prayer and find peace. It's amazing to me how often reading God's Word will lift my spirit when I'm feeling oppressed. Way too often, many people see the Bible as just a collection of stories. But, it's so much more than that. It's God's life-changing Word. God had it written by holy men over a 1600 year period for the purpose of breathing life into us. Don't ever discount how powerful and timely God's Word can be. In my own personal life, I can testify that He often leads me to passages that deal with situations I'm currently dealing with. Remember, God knows exactly what we're going through at the time we're going through it. If you're truly seeking His help on a matter, He'll show you in His Word exactly what to do!

In Psalms 44, David challenges God in prayer. He defends himself before the Lord expressing to Him how He has faithfully trusted in Him for a long time. Why? Because, like us, David was confused as to "why" God was not answering his prayer. While his nation (Israel) was crumbling and falling apart and becoming the scorn of nations all around him, King David pleads with God from the depth of a hurting and confused heart.

What I've learned from this passage and many others like it is that it's ok to be honest in your heart with God. Let's be clear here - God knows exactly how we feel.. He knows our thoughts. So, if you're upset, it's okay to express ourselves openly and honestly before the Lord.  My only warning to all of us is that we would be careful not to cross the boundaries and charge God with foolishness or lack of faithfulness. God is never foolish or unfaithful or unloving. We may not understand why God allows the circumstances in our life to continue after months or even years of prayer, but we must NEVER charge God with being foolish or unfaithful or unloving. It reveals to God our lack of faith in Him and Who He really is.

Psalms 45 is a prophetic song glorifying Jesus Christ. You can see this in the following verse:

"Your throne, O God, endures forever and ever. You rule with a scepter of justice. You love justice and hate evil. Therefore God, your God, has anointed you..."

This chapter describes the future glory of Israel and the Lord Jesus Christ during His millennial reign. What a glorious time it will be. It will be literally heaven on earth!

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Quotes To Live By!

The greatness of a man is not measured by his position, power, plaudits, or pleasures, but by what it takes to discourage him. - Dr. Jerry Falwell

A truly GREAT man doesn't discourage easily. He understands the risks in life. And if he fails, he fails FORWARD! - Dr. John Maxwell

"I will speak the ill of no man, but all the good of everyone." - Benjamin Franklin

Life is about living out your passions and figuring out how to get paid to do it. - Glenn Beck

You can give without loving, but you can't love without giving! - Anonymous though you'll NEVER get another chance! - Anonymous