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Positioned within the Gospel of Mark, chapter 13 unfolds as a profound and prophetic passage, a doorway to insights about the future and the incredible plans that God has for the world. As the words of Jesus in Mark 13 unfurl, they become a beacon, guiding believers through the labyrinth of "end time" mysteries and stirring thoughts about the unprecedented events that await.
While the disciples have fixed their eyes on the incredible architecture and beauty of the Temple in Jerusalem, Jesus knows something about the Temple His disciples didn't know. As they urge Him to marvel at the beauty surrounding them, Jesus announces what He sees for the Temple's future. He admits its beauty, but He also knows that some 40 years later (70 A.D.) the Romans will completely annihilate the Temple where all of its beauty will be destroyed.
We, as humans, are mostly focused on the present. We don't often look down the road as to where our lives are taking us, how our lives will one day be judged by God, and how the world will one day come to an end prior to the earthly arrival of Jesus in His Second Coming.
However, as Jesus and His disciples sit on the Mount of Olives just across the Kidron Valley, Jesus describes to His disciples the future destruction of the Temple as well as future events prior to the end of the age. Their minds are mesmerized by His words and they curiously ask Him about future events - "Tell us, when will all this happen? What sign will show us that these things are about to be fulfilled?”
The Unveiling of Unprecedented Future Events
So, let's list these events as Jesus tells them...
1) False religious leaders - These religious leaders will make powerful claims about themselves, their prophecies, and their abilities to heal and proclaim themselves as mini-gods. Unfortunately, there are hundreds of religious leaders throughout the world who make these claims. But, due to their lack of a true relationship with God and their lack of knowledge of God's Word, they will teach false doctrines that will deceive many followers of Christ. Are we not seeing that today?
2) Wars and threats of wars - Before the 2nd coming of Christ there will be an increase in instability among nations throughout the world. Even today, North Korea threatens nuclear warfare. Iran threatens to wipe Israel off the map. Radical Islamic groups are waging and threatening to destabilize the Middle East with war. Russia is trying to regain parts of Ukraine by war. And, yet there are many small wars that go unnoticed or unmentioned by the media. Are we not seeing that today?
3) Persecution of Jews & Christians - Jesus warns us to be ready, because these things must happen. It's all part of God's plan to separate the true believers from the false ones. In fact, this assault on Jews and Christians will become so terrible that it will divide families and create an uprise of hate and vitriol towards them. Are we not seeing that today?
4) The rise of the antichrist - Although Jesus doesn't mention the antichrist by name, it is he that will go into the Temple and into the Holy of Holies and remove the Ark of the Covenant and replace it with a sacrilegious object that totally desecrates and dishonors God Almighty! Many scholars have speculated as to what that "sacrilegious object" will be, so we're really not exactly sure. Nevertheless, it is something that is an abomination to God! And, Jesus warns the Jews that when this happens they should immediately flee into the mountains and hide! Great persecution of the Jews will follow. Are we not seeing that today?
5. Horrible world-wide calamity - Although Jesus doesn't go into the specifics of what that worldwide calamity would be that could potentially destroy ALL of mankind, we do get to read about in the book of Revelation. Notice what Jesus says in Mark 13:20 - "In fact, unless the Lord shortens that time of calamity, not a single person will survive. But for the sake of his chosen ones he has shortened those days." Are we not seeing the beginning of those things today?
6. Unprecedented Astronomical events - The powers of the heavens will be shaken by God. Man's failure to love God and follow His commandments will bring out the frustration and wrath of God! Imagine the sun being darkened! This event is still yet to come!
7. The 2nd Coming of Christ - Jesus tells His disciples that immediately after these prior events He will descend from Heaven with great power and glory and cause His angels to gather all true believers to join Him in Jerusalem. This event is still yet to come!
I love how Jesus ends His message! He uses the example of the blossoming of the fig tree, that you can tell when summer is close by just observing the budding of the trees. And in like manner, we can use these signs to know when His coming is close at hand.
Even though there have been many speakers and authors who have tried to prophecy of the exact timing of Jesus' coming, all have been proven wrong! Unbelievable! Jesus told us clearly in Mark 13:32 that no one (not even His angels) know the exact day or year of this event. However, there will always be people who will try to exploit the naivety of believers and non-believers alike and promote their findings as to the exact date and/or year...just to make a dollar.
The Final Events of Jesus' Ministry on Earth during His first visit
Mark 14 describes the last few days prior to His crucifixion.
Just days before He is betrayed by Judas Iscariot, a religious zealot who believed Jesus would be the one to conquer Rome and one of Jesus' disciples, Jesus visits the home of Lazarus and his sisters Mary and Martha (John 12).
Jesus is anointed prior to His death by Mary, who takes an alabaster jar of some of the most expensive perfume made in Jesus' day, and anoints His feet with the perfume and wipes the excess off with her hair. It was an amazing offering to our Lord. Oh that we would give up our most precious commodity and present it at Jesus' feet!!! For most of us, it's our time, our talents, and our commitment to Him.
As Mark 14 captures the events leading up to Jesus Christ's crucifixion, it unfolds with a foreshadowing of Jesus' impending betrayal by Judas Iscariot. It then moves on to depict the Last Supper, during which Jesus institutes the Holy Communion, symbolizing the sacrifice of his body and blood.
The narrative intensifies in the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus prays fervently, expressing his human struggle with the imminent suffering and crucifixion. The disciples, however, repeatedly fail to stay awake and support him during this critical moment.
Later, Judas arrives with a group of religious leaders, signaling Jesus' arrest. Despite a brief resistance from one of his disciples, Jesus willingly surrenders, emphasizing the fulfillment of God's plan. The chapter closes with Peter denying Jesus three times, fulfilling Jesus' earlier prediction.
Mark 14 highlights themes of betrayal, sacrifice, and the human struggle with divine purpose, setting the stage for the dramatic events that unfold in the subsequent chapters of the Gospel.
Are you ready for His coming? Are you living a life that pleases the One who will judge us for what we did with our brief time on earth?
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