In our Bible study today, we’re going to hear Jesus telling
the people who were listening to him about a coming judgment that determines
who will enter into his Kingdom and who won't. The Kingdom that Jesus is
referring to in Matthew 25 is His Kingdom on Earth as spoken of in the latter
part of the Book of Revelation. This is when Jesus will sit on the throne of
David in Jerusalem and rule the entire earth in his Kingdom for 1000 years. Those
of us who are true believers in Christ will rule and reign with Christ for 1000
years on earth before taken to heaven.
This parable was designed to encourage people to be diligent
in their walk with God. If you'll notice in the first parable of Matthew 25:1-13,
Jesus speaks of 10 bridesmaids or virgins who took clay lamps to go meet the
bridegroom. Their lamps were fueled by oil which could represent the Holy
Spirit and the works the Holy Spirit accomplishes through our lives for the
glory of God. Notice that there were five foolish bridesmaids and 5 wise
The five foolish bridesmaids had good intentions. They were
looking for the bridegroom, which represents Jesus Christ at his second coming.
Unfortunately, these five foolish bridesmaids did not have any oil left to
light their lamp when the bridegroom came at midnight. In other words, they
were totally unprepared to make all the necessary arrangements to properly be
ready for the coming of the bridegroom.
This parable tells the story of how so many of God's Jewish
people and even so many of us that are non Jews who underestimate God's calling
for our lives. For many of us, we haven't lived our lives in a way to prepare
for the coming of the Lord. We've been too busy to allow the Holy Spirit to
work in us and through us to accomplish God's purpose. Do you feel that this
may be the case with your life?
The next parable is about the parable of the three servants.
Jesus tells the story of how God gave to one servant 5 bags of money, to
another servant he gave two bags of money, and to the third servant he gave
only one bag of money. But notice why God gave each of them a different amounts!
Jesus said in verse 15 that he divided the money bags in proportion to their
abilities to honor and glorify him. God knows who will make great managers of
his resources and those who won't.
For the two servants who doubled the master’s money they
received great praise from the master and were able to celebrate forever with
the king. But for the one who hid the money bag in the ground it was a
different outcome. The master was furious! And notice what this servant thought
of the master. He thought the master was a harsh man who stole or harvested
from other fields than his own.
There are many people in the world today who think God is
harsh, or unfair and unfit, or that He simply doesn't exist. But one day God
will have a reckoning where we will have to give an account of our lives before
Him. We will be expected to double our money or at least provide spiritual fruit.
What I mean by that is that God will expect that our lives will have produced
spiritual fruit for his glory and for his honor. Sadly, many people around the
world are just too busy for God.
Notice the parable of the servants how the master was
excited to celebrate with those who served him and honored him with the gifts
and talents he gave them. True believers of Christ want to serve him and allow
his Holy Spirit to work in and through their lives. But, there will be many
people who will have no spiritual productivity to show for their lives.
What about you? Are you allowing the Holy Spirit to work openly
in your life? Do you have the desire for God to work in you and through you in
the greatest way possible? Are you willing to do anything for his honor and
glory? Are you being a good manager of the gifts and talents he's given you?
The reason I ask all of these questions is because one day you'll have to
answer them!
In the latter part of Matthew 25 Jesus talks about these two
different types of people. He shares how that one day all will be gathered in
his presence and he will separate the unbeliever from the believer. All of the
angels in heaven will witness this event. Jesus will judge those who have
rejected him and we'll send them into the lake of fire which was initially
prepared for the devil and his demons. These will be ones who will go away from
the presence of God and then to eternal punishment.
We, as believers, need to do all that we can to get the
gospel out and reach as many people for Christ as possible. If we had a chance
to look into hell today, we would be on fire to share Christ tomorrow!
In Matthew 26, there comes a very special story of Jesus visiting
the home of a man by the name of Simon who had previously been healed by Jesus of
leprosy. While Jesus was speaking with his disciples and the other members of
the household, a woman came in with a beautiful alabaster jar of expensive
perfume and poured it over Jesus head.
Why did this woman do this? Apparently she realized from the
promptings of the Holy Spirit and perhaps after listening to Jesus in one of
his messages that he would soon be betrayed. Maybe she didn't realize the
implication of what she was doing to the fullest extent, however what she did
has been a testimony to her love and affection for her Lord for over 2000 years.
Although one of his disciples was indignant about the matter and thought that
it was a waste of expensive perfume Jesus tells him he is wrong. Jesus tells
the group that this act was an anointing in preparation for his soon burial.
Although the disciples didn't understand at the time, they later
Perhaps the saddest story in the entire Bible is found in
the latter part of Matthew 26. This is where we see Judas Iscariot betraying
Jesus into the hands of the of the religious leaders of his day for only 30
pieces of silver - the price of a slave. Realizing that he had made a terrible
mistake, judas went out and hanged himself.
Although he repented of what he did, the sad part was that
he'd never believed Jesus was the Messiah.
The other tragic aspect of this story is that Peter denies
knowing Jesus three times. After the third time, Jesus and Peter locked eyes
together and Peter was profoundly convicted. He had promised Jesus only hours
before that he would never deny him. But he did! And he did it three times.
Although Peter repented and truly believed Jesus was the Messiah, Jesus forgave
Peter and Peter had a wonderful ministry bringing many people into the Kingdom
of God.
Perhaps you have denied Jesus at some point in time. Like Peter Jesus is willing to forgive you as well. But you must believe in him and what he did on the cross for you. He lived an innocent, sinless life so that he could be the perfect sacrifice for our sins in the presence of God. Jesus died for us so that we might through him have eternal life!
Will you give your heart to him today? He died the most horrible death so that you might have the forgiveness of sin and the opportunity to join Him in Heaven. If you'd like to receive Jesus into your life and make Him the Lord of your life...simply pray right now
and ask him to forgive you of your sins, to come into your life and to make
you a new person. Then begin to live for him, and read his bible so that
you might learn how to live for him and please him in all that you do.
Again, just pray this simple prayer to Him right now if you haven't done it already...
"Jesus, I know I'm a sinner. Please forgive me of all my sins. I believe in you. I know you died for me so that I could have eternal life. I pray that you'll come into my life and become my Lord and Savior. I want to live my life for you...the rest of my life. In Jesus name, Amen."
If you prayed that prayer and meant it with all of your heart, God heard you and has put His Holy Spirit within you. Now, you're a part of God's family! Welcome!!!
I would also recommend that you get in a a good Bible
believing, Bible teaching church so that you might grow spiritually and be the
joyful, confident, peaceful, and spiritually productive person that God wants
you to be.
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