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Psalms 4-6 - Conquering Anger

Psalms 4-6.  -  How To Deal With Anger

While there are so many things that could be taught in these 3 chapters, there are a couple of verses I want us to focus on.  Why?  Because we NEED TO!

In Psalms 4:4, God warns us of "letting anger gain control over you."  Is anger a problem today?  You bet!

Let me ask you a question, "Have you ever seen someone who seems to be angry all the time?"  How does this person make you feel?  Does this attitude entice you to be around them or does it make you feel uncomfortable?  Does it have an impact on your respect for them?

Anger is one of those emotions that's very tricky.  It can sneak up on you and, before you know it, overtake you!  That's why in the New Testament the writer of the book of Hebrews wrote and solemnly warned in Hebrews 12:15, "BEWARE...LEST A ROOT OF BITTERNESS OVERTAKE YOU...AND DEFILE YOU."

Anger, left alone and not dealt with properly, leads to a deep-seated bitterness!  And when bitterness takes over, everyone (but you) can see it!  A bitter person leaks anger, frustration, and is easily upset.  They aren't even aware of how much or how visible their anger is to others.  And, they get ever angrier if you confront them about it.  Do you know anyone like that?

I like what Mark Twain said, "Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured."

In verse 4 and 5, God gives us the SOLUTION!  He didn't say that anger was wrong or sinful, He simply said that if you do become angry there's something you should do about it.  The first bit of advice He commands of us is to "think about it overnight and be silent."  Be silent and think about it overnight? Wow!  That's tough to do, isn't it?  Be silent!  Did God really say that?  Yes, and it's a command as well!  

As you know, most of us want to let our anger be known immediately.  When someone offends us, we feel it's our place and duty to let them know right away...right?  No!  God says to "be silent" and then "think about it overnight."  In other words, hold your tongue, and give some real time to the issue or issues at stake.  He wants us to really give some thought as to "why" we're so angry about it.  When you give time to your issue or issues and think through them, you'll be in a better emotional place to handle the issue.  It will keep you from doing and saying something you'll eventually and forever regret.

I can't tell you how many times this verse has saved me from irreparable harm to others!!  In anger, we often begin to lash out and say things to elaborately flow out of our mouths, things we never intended to say, or don't even mean. When we give in to anger (when it hits), we need to keep in mind that it can lead to an eventual upheaval of words and actions we may ALWAYS regret, even as early as the NEXT DAY!  Has that ever happened to you?

When I'm really angered by something to the point I feel as though I can't take it any more, I immediately (or before I go to bed at night) go and write out my anger issue.  I open up my word processor and start writing furiously the things that I'm so upset about!  And, I write my letter as though I'm going to send those who have offended me the letter.  But, I don't.  95% of the time, by the time I write out all of my frustrations down on paper, I'm completely over the issue!  I can then go to bed and sleep peacefully rather than stir the sheets all night long.  Isn't that weird?  But, isn't that also a better way?  It happens to me all the time!  And this process has worked with so many other friends I know!  

Listen, God knows what we need to lead a peaceful life.  Follow His suggestions, and then practice verse 5 - "trust in the Lord."  Have faith in God in knowing that He FULLY understands the anger issues you are facing and through your prayers to Him, He can immediately or eventually work things out!  Remember, God works on a different time table than we do...but that's another lesson.

Psalms 1-3 - The Path To Real Joy!

Psalms 1-3

The book of Psalms was mostly written by King David, the most popular and wildly successful (and most Godly) leader Israel ever enjoyed.  The prophet Samuel described King David in 1 Samuel 13:14 as "a man after his (God's) own heart."  As you read the book of Psalms, you'll see in vivid detail the transparency of this man.  Through songs in this book, he shares what he feels in his heart, both the high and the lows of his emotions.  There is no way you can read this book without realizing the David touches on so many common fears, complaints, frustrations, disappointments, hurts, and pains of life.  As he touches on these commonalities that all of us face, he also comes to the conclusion in nearly every one of these comments that only through God can he find peace, rest, and ultimately victory!

In Psalm 1, King David discusses "how to find real joy in life!"  As he begins his narrative, he says first of all,
1. Be careful who you hang with!  Notice verse1.  He says joy can be a by-product of simply avoiding the wrong crowd and, in return, getting from these people the wrong advice or doing the wrong thing or even saying the wrong thing.  Let's be real...our friends influence us!  They do. How many times have you regretted doing the wrong thing or saying the wrong thing or even receiving advice that ending up destroying your marriage or making matters worse?
2. David goes on to say that real joy (deep inner joy) comes from doing the right thing...which is doing "everything the Lord wants" and enjoying the opportunity to feast on the incredible principles found in the Bible- God's law.

Since we're such a "what's-in-it-for-me" kind of people, David explains what the blessings are when you start living your life in a way that pleases God and when you spend time in His Word:
1) David uses the analogy of a tree "planted along the riverbank."  In other words, you're in the best possible place you can possibly be in.  You'll flourish forever!  He goes on to say that the results are "bearing fruit each season without fail."  In other words, God will accomplish exactly what He wants to accomplish through your life "without fail."  You will be a perfect instrument through which He can work through to touch this world and the "fruit" of your life's influence will be told in heaven one day!
2) He also says that "their leaves never wither and in all they do is prosper."  Like all trees, especially here in America, during the winter their leaves wither and drop as the harsher weather comes. Here, King David, says that living a live that pleases God allows you to "hang in there" when harsher times come.  That's because you are like a tree planted by the river.  God is your river.  He is your source of life.  He keeps you nourished even during the most difficult times in life!  Praise the Lord!
3) Another great benefit of living a life that pleases God is (verse 6) having his watchful eyes on you and the path you travel.  He's there with you!  You may feel alone at times, but you're NOT alone!

Psalms 2 declares the greatness of God and futility of man's power!  While nations and kings rage on for more power and lands...God laughs at their futility.   God is in control of everything!  Man can do nothing to impress God.

As you go through the newspaper and see what's going on in the world, take a black felt pen and write over the top of the article "God is in control."

In Psalms 3, we begin to see David becoming transparent about conditions going on in his life...he's got "enemies."  In fact, he's fairly desperate about this issue to some extent even telling God that many of his friends don't even believe God can save him.  How would you like to hear that from a friend - "I don't even think God can save you from this problem!" ?  Listen to the resolve that he has in verse 6, "I am not afraid of ten thousand enemies who surround me on every side."  That's pretty amazing!  That's like us saying, "I don't care if the FBI, CIA, IRS, SEC, and any other agency (including the Mafia) is against me...I'm NOT AFRAID!"  That's faith in God!

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Quotes To Live By!

The greatness of a man is not measured by his position, power, plaudits, or pleasures, but by what it takes to discourage him. - Dr. Jerry Falwell

A truly GREAT man doesn't discourage easily. He understands the risks in life. And if he fails, he fails FORWARD! - Dr. John Maxwell

"I will speak the ill of no man, but all the good of everyone." - Benjamin Franklin

Life is about living out your passions and figuring out how to get paid to do it. - Glenn Beck

You can give without loving, but you can't love without giving! - Anonymous though you'll NEVER get another chance! - Anonymous