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Journey Thru The Bible! (1 Samuel 16 - 18)

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Today, we begin reading about David’s rise to power – how he wins the hearts of all Israelites and eventually becomes their long-awaited and beloved King! It wasn’t an easy trip. King Saul made life very difficult for David, and today you’re going to learn why.

Here are a few lessons you can gain from today’s reading of the Bible…

1) The Lord doesn’t see things in the same way that man sees things! God was angry with King Saul for his continued acts of disobedience, consequently it caused Him great sorrow in choosing him to be the first king of Israel. So, He tells Samuel that He’s rejected him as King. But, notice what Samuel does! Samuel begins to mourn for King Saul and prays diligently for him because he saw things in a different light. He thought surely King Saul had some redeeming qualities that could be worked on and retain him as the King of Israel! After all, he’s handsome! He’s unique in that he’s taller than anyone else in all of Israel! He’s fought wars and won them very valiantly!

But, God saw things completely different! When God looked into Kings Saul’s heart, He saw no redeeming quality! In fact, as we read the remaining two chapters we read of the sad story of just how wicked and prideful Saul’s heart had become! Samuel didn’t see that, but God did! Samuel thought he was redeemable, but God knew otherwise!

Another good example of how God sees things in a different way than man is in Samuel’s choosing of Eliab as Israel’s next King. Once Samuel saw him – his handsome looks and tall stature – he thought Eliab was surely God’s next pick for the King of Israel! But, God said, “No!” Then came the bombshell!

God gives Samuel (as us today) some valuable insights as to how He thinks and views things! God tells Samuel in 16:7, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

God is more interested in a tenderly, obedient heart than anything else! God can use anyone, regardless of stature, looks, or talent, if they simply have the kind of heart that God loves!

What kind of heart does God see you having today? Is yours one that’s tenderly obedient to love Him and serve Him no matter what the cost?

2) Depression and fear can come from a tormenting spirit! There are many people who wrestle with depression and phobia’s today. Throughout the Bible, you see a number of people who are tormented in this way due to demonic activity. When God withdrew His Spirit away from Saul, He allowed a tormenting spirit (demon) to attack him. I’m not quite sure why God allowed this to happen…I have some speculation! However, as you study the subject of angels and demons (you can purchase my series on this subject down below!), you realize that demons create fear, depression, sickness, and all kinds of other ailments! Remember this! Ephesians 6 tells us that “we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” The spiritual realm is just as active as our physical world! Demons are actively involved in oppressing Christians, and even bringing many to a point of depression!

However, not all depression is the result of demonic activity! That’s very important for you to realize! Some depression can be the result of chemical or hormonal imbalances. Many of these kinds can be resolved with medication. Nevertheless, it’s also important to realize that Satan is real and very involved in our lives working through his demonic workforce. As a Christian, God has given you the authority (in His name) to rebuke any and every kind of demon! For more on this, talk to your pastor!

3) God is constantly preparing us for what He has in our future! Only God knew David would one day be a mighty King in Israel. In preparation of that day, God threw some life and death challenges his way while working as a simple shepherd boy. He not only clubbed lions to death, but he also killed bears with that same club!

I’ve been to the zoo and have seen both! After seeing how ferocious and HUGE these creatures are, I’m not sure if I would have saved the little lamb! But David did! God saw how much David trusted in His power to deal with the most ferocious beasts of the field. So much so, that when Goliath came along and David saw that he was merely a man (about the same size as the bear he had killed – 9 feet tall), he probably thought, “Oh man, I can kill this guy! He doesn’t have the claws or the teeth of the lions and bears I’ve killed! And, he doesn’t move around as fast as a lion or bear! I can do it…with God’s help!”

God prepared David for that day! As David killed lions, bears, and a 9 foot giant with God’s help, he knew he could accomplish ANYTHING – so long God was with him!

Hey…God can do ANYTHING through you too! You may not have to fight bears and lions, but there may be some tough challenges coming your way! You’ll have to do what David did…put your faith and trust in God! Are you doing that?

May the Lord cause His countenance to shine through you today!

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Quotes To Live By!

The greatness of a man is not measured by his position, power, plaudits, or pleasures, but by what it takes to discourage him. - Dr. Jerry Falwell

A truly GREAT man doesn't discourage easily. He understands the risks in life. And if he fails, he fails FORWARD! - Dr. John Maxwell

"I will speak the ill of no man, but all the good of everyone." - Benjamin Franklin

Life is about living out your passions and figuring out how to get paid to do it. - Glenn Beck

You can give without loving, but you can't love without giving! - Anonymous though you'll NEVER get another chance! - Anonymous