Board Certified Hypnotherapist

Jan.28 - Exodus 34 - 36

Moses is given the incredible privilege of spending another 40 days and nights alone with God! What an incomprehensible opportunity! In that encounter, there are several interesting things to note:
1) Notice the name God calls Himself - YAHWEH, which means "the Lord." He is telling Moses that He is the only true God and that He lords overs everything. - 34:5
2) God describes 7 things about Himself to Moses:
- He's compassionate
- He's merciful
- He's slow to get angry
- He's faithful to everyone and in everything
- He possesses never-ending love
- He's forgiving
- He doesn't let those who are guilty go free without consequences
3) In 34:8, we see man's typical response to being in God's Holy Presence: "Moses immediately threw himself to the ground and worshipped." This was the very same response to other men in the Bible, such as Isaiah, Ezekiel, and John. This will be what everyone else will do one day when we stand before the awesome and indescribable presence of Almighty God. The Bible teaches us that all of mankind will one day "bow down and acknowledge that Jesus is Lord to the glory of the Father." If you're not falling down before Him in worship today, you will one day! Why not get started right now?

Did you read it? In 34:10, God promises Moses MORE MIRACLES to see! Throughout the entire journey, the Israelites continue to see God move in miraculous ways. That's because our God is capable of doing anything! He is a miracle-working God! He's God! Are you seeing His hand of miracle working power in your life? If you're at a place of "human impossibility", give God the opportunity to prove His ability to solve your dilemna!

God loses His patience at times! Even though God is long-suffering, He tells us that it is possible for Him to eventually lose His patience with us. That's what He did to Israel in 34:11-28. He lost His patience after proving Himself over and over and over again. After all that God had done for the Israelites, they still rejected Him and began to worship a golden calf! Wow! Here's an idea...before God loses patience with you....make things right in your heart with Him!

The right heart before the eyes of God is the one that is willing and eager to please Him! Notice what God said about the kind of heart he wanted in those who would give to the building of the Tabernacle. God invited everyone to give gold, silver, brass, clothing, etc. But, He wanted these items only from those who had "willing" and "eager" hearts! Note the verses below:
35:21 - "all whose hearts were stirred and whose spirits were moved."
35:23 - "all whose hearts were willing..."
35:23 - "willingly brought them."
35:26 - "all the women who were willing..."
35:29 - "every man and woman who was eager to help."
36:2 - "were eager to get to work."

Notice how they gave MORE THAN ENOUGH! If only Christians would do the same in the reaching of lost souls or in developing ways of ministering to the community!

Use your skills for God's glory! Several times, the Bible says God gave Bezalel and Oholiab the ability and the skills to not only do all kinds of crafts, but the ability to teach others as well. It is God who gives men the ability and skills to do certain things. What gifts do you have from God? Are you using them for His glory!

Have a wonderful day serving the Lord!

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The greatness of a man is not measured by his position, power, plaudits, or pleasures, but by what it takes to discourage him. - Dr. Jerry Falwell

A truly GREAT man doesn't discourage easily. He understands the risks in life. And if he fails, he fails FORWARD! - Dr. John Maxwell

"I will speak the ill of no man, but all the good of everyone." - Benjamin Franklin

Life is about living out your passions and figuring out how to get paid to do it. - Glenn Beck

You can give without loving, but you can't love without giving! - Anonymous though you'll NEVER get another chance! - Anonymous