Board Certified Hypnotherapist

Jan.24 - Exodus 20 - 22

Have you every fully understood the 10 commandments? Exodus 20 begins with God giving Moses 10 universal laws. Let me give them to you in our language today:

1) Don't put anything in your life in front of God! Give Him first place!
2) Don't attempt to worship or pray to any image you create that represents God!
3) Don't use God's name in a wrong way!
4) Keep one day for no work and the worship of God!
5) Give the highest respect to your parents ... so that you can live a good, long life!
6) Don't commit premeditated murder. 7) Don't commit adultery! (Jesus added, "Don't even do it in your mind or thoughts!)
8) Don't ever steal!
9) Don't ever lie!
10) Don't lust after anything at all! (Including money, clothes, home, etc)

In Chapter 21 and 22, God offers some CIVIL LAWS for the new nation of Israel. Take a close look at some of these and see how they differ and/or are the same as our civil laws. Here's a few of them:

1) Slave laws
2) Personal Injury Laws
a) For premeditated murder - "Put them to death!"
b) For accidental murder - "Flee to a city of refuge and await trial."
c) Hitting your parents - "Put them to death!"
d) Dishonoring your parents - "Put them to death!"
e) Kidnapping - "Put them to death!"
f) Personal injury with permanent damage - "Compensate them until a full recovery!"
g) Hurting a pregnant woman - "Compensate fully for any damages done!"
h) Stealing - "You must pay back up to 5 times the fair market value!" '
3) Witchcraft - "Put them to death!"
4) Worshipping other gods - "Put them to death!"
5) Exploiting widows and orphans - "God's anger and wrath!"
6) Lending - "Don't charge interest to Jewish people."
7) Don't dishonor your God or your national leaders!
8) Don't cheat on your tithes and offerings to God!

Can you find any one of these that you might be guilty of?

Have a wonderful day! God bless!

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Quotes To Live By!

The greatness of a man is not measured by his position, power, plaudits, or pleasures, but by what it takes to discourage him. - Dr. Jerry Falwell

A truly GREAT man doesn't discourage easily. He understands the risks in life. And if he fails, he fails FORWARD! - Dr. John Maxwell

"I will speak the ill of no man, but all the good of everyone." - Benjamin Franklin

Life is about living out your passions and figuring out how to get paid to do it. - Glenn Beck

You can give without loving, but you can't love without giving! - Anonymous though you'll NEVER get another chance! - Anonymous